Zion's World
Monday, March 19, 2012
This semester I had some ups and some downs. Throughout it all I stayed motived, and focused. I fell as if my faith has streached because of this semestor. English is an area where I am weak, and I never seemed to understand why. English is one of the classes that I have to pray about. I have learned that taking limits off of God would allow me to achieve anything. I have learned that by myself nothing is possible. By myself I am weak, i don't understand anything. But with God anything is possible, He gives me wisdom and knowlledge to understand that things that make no sense. I loves me so much that He helped me complete this class. Fear tryed to stop me but God said enought is enought. By His grace and mercy I will pass this English class this semestor.
Bucket List

1. A place that I want to go to is Heaven.
2. I want to experience my tongue language.
3. I want to be able to worship God in a second, instead of it taking time for me to get to my secrete place.
4. I want to go to Brazil.
5. I want to be a religious teacher.
6. I want to get married and have a God fearing family.
7. I want to be on fire for God all the time.
8. I want to dance in the upper room.
9. I want to finish everything I start, school, work, etc.
10. I want everlasting joy that comes from the Lord!
Wednesday, March 14, 2012
Worship Through Dance
Many people know that words have power to them. I believe that dance also has power. Being a praise dancer, I have learned that souls could be set free through a simple movement. The nation of Israel has used dance as a form of worship throughout their history. Several places within the Bible make reference to the use of dance as a form of worship. Praise dancing was taught in the school of the prophets. Apparently, the nation of Israel viewed dance as a prophetic gifting, and treated it as such. I have attached this video of worshiping through dance for those who dont know what I am talking about. Be Blessed!
Monday, March 12, 2012
Who am I?
Who am I you ask? My name is Shawney. I am from LongIsland NY. I am 24 years old. I have many hobbies. I love dancing, singing, eventhough I cant sing that well. I like to write poetry, and short stories. My new name is Zion. I changed my life so I changed my name to Zion. Why Zion you ask? I'll tell you. In the old tesIn the Old Testament , and in Prophecy, they were, and are, also known figuratively as "The daughter of Jerusalem" and "The daughter of Zion" - Jerusalem and Zion being symbolic, and literal, of God's future rule on earth.The ancient Daughter of Zion was no stranger to salvation, or the coming Savior. This is why i can proudly accept that name from God. I call myself Dancing Zion because I dance for Jesus, and I enjoy it. So nice meeting you come again.
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